Interacting with RoNeX

There are four main methods to interact with RoNeX, this section will give a brief introduction to these methods.

Command Line

We can access these interfaces using ROS’s command line tools, which are convenient for getting a quick overview of what is going on in the system.

Python and C++

Once you’re familiar with the basic operation of the RoNeX from the command line, we can take a step to automate the interactions by writing them into a program. This page features examples using both Python and C++. While coding in Python is sometimes simpler, it is mainly down to user preference when selecting which language to use.


There are a number of tools included in the rqt_gui packages, that allow us to interact with RoNeX through the standard ROS GUI, without having to go through typing out the terminal commands repeatedly. These can be handy for plotting received data, or repeatedly sending commands. To start the gui, run:

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui