Interfacing Video Code

This Tutorial is to accompany the RoNeX Interfacing video on Youtube.


In the video we first start Roscore:


Then in a new terminal window elevate permissions to superuser ( you can skip this step if you have followed the instructions in Ronex driver without sudo )

sudo -s

Then start the ROS driver:

roslaunch sr_ronex_launch sr_ronex.launch

Next in another new terminal we start the ROS GUI by running:

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui

Once in the GUI you can find the relevant plugins in the menu at the top. The topic we subscribe to in order to plot the analogue input data is:


The number 12 in the above command should be replaced by the serial number of your RoNeX GIO Module.

In the Dynamic Reconfigure plugin, untick the boxes relating to whichever input channels you plan to use as outputs (channel 0 in our case). For the PWM servo motor we used, the PWM clock divider was set to 20.

The topic we publish to in order to control the channel 0 PWM output is:


Set pwm_period to 64000, then pwm_on_time_0 can be set from 1600 - 8000 to correspond to Servo angles of 0 - 180°.

The Code

The Python script to control the Servo with the Potentiometer shown in the video is as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('sr_ronex_examples')
import rospy
from sr_ronex_msgs.msg import PWM, GeneralIOState

def callback(data):

    analogue = data.analogue
    pwmTopic = '/ronex/general_io/12/command/pwm/0'
    pub = rospy.Publisher(pwmTopic, PWM)
    pwm = PWM()
    pwm.pwm_period = 64000
    pwm.pwm_on_time_0 = int(2.6042*analogue[0] + 1600)
    pwm.pwm_on_time_1 = 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    rospy.Subscriber('/ronex/general_io/12/state', GeneralIOState, callback)
    rospy.loginfo('RoNeX Pot Servo Demo Started!')

The Code Explained

if __name__ == "__main__":

    rospy.Subscriber('/ronex/general_io/12/state', GeneralIOState, callback)
    rospy.loginfo('RoNeX Pot Servo Demo Started!')

In the main function we initialise our ROS node, then setup a subscriber to receive the position of the potentiometer on the state topic. Then an info message is printed to let the user know the program is running, then spin() is called to get the node up and running.

def callback(data):

    analogue = data.analogue
    pwmTopic = '/ronex/general_io/12/command/pwm/0'
    pub = rospy.Publisher(pwmTopic, PWM)

In the callback function the analogue data is retrieved from the message, and a publisher is created to send the required PWM command to the appropriate topic.

pwm = PWM()
pwm.pwm_period = 64000
pwm.pwm_on_time_0 = int(2.6042*analogue[0] + 1600)
pwm.pwm_on_time_1 = 0

Here a message of format PWM is created, and filled with the required fields.

The calculations for converting the analogue value from the potentiometer into a corresponding PWM value for the servo can be found here: Analogue to PWM Configuration.

Note: The video shows a value of 1.5625 instead of 2.6042, this was mapping the 300° range of the potentiometer to the 180° range of the servo. In this case we directly map the bottom 180° of the potentiometer to the servo.

Running the Code

You can copy this straight into a new ROS package, be sure to make it executable using chmod +x if you want to run it using rosrun.

When you run the script, be sure that input_mode is set to false for the PWM signal channel, and that the publisher plugin in the GUI is not publishing.