Configure GIO Module (c++)

This tutorial will walk you through the basics of calling the RoNeX /set_parameters service in a C++ script to adjust your RoNeX configuration. If you are often executing different RoNeX scripts that require different module configuration, it may be beneficial adjust the configuration at the start of each script.

This example can be found under sr_ronex_examples/src/change_ronex_configuration.cpp

The Code

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <string>

#include <dynamic_reconfigure/BoolParameter.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/IntParameter.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/Reconfigure.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/Config.h>

class ChangeRonexConfigurationExample



  void configureRonex(std::string path)
    dynamic_reconfigure::ReconfigureRequest srv_req;
    dynamic_reconfigure::ReconfigureResponse srv_resp;
    dynamic_reconfigure::BoolParameter bool_param;
    dynamic_reconfigure::IntParameter int_param;
    dynamic_reconfigure::Config conf; = "input_mode_0";
    bool_param.value = false;
    conf.bools.push_back(bool_param); = "input_mode_1";
    bool_param.value = false;
    conf.bools.push_back(bool_param); = "pwm_period_0";
    int_param.value = 200;
    conf.ints.push_back(int_param); = "pwm_clock_divider";
    int_param.value = 3000;

    srv_req.config = conf;

    ros::service::call(path + "/set_parameters", srv_req, srv_resp);


int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "change_ronex_configuration_cpp");
  ChangeRonexConfigurationExample example;
  std::string ronex_id = "test_ronex";
  std::string ronex_path = "/ronex/general_io/" + ronex_id + "/";
  return 0;

The Code Explained

Now lets break down the code into manageable bite sized portions and explain each piece:

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <string>

#include <dynamic_reconfigure/BoolParameter.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/IntParameter.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/Reconfigure.h>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/Config.h>

First we import the standard ROS headers, plus those for the dynamic reconfigure formats we will be using.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "change_ronex_configuration_cpp");
  ChangeRonexConfigurationExample example;
  std::string ronex_id = "test_ronex";
  std::string ronex_path = "/ronex/general_io/" + ronex_id + "/";
  return 0;

At the bottom of the script we have the main function where we first initialise a node to carry out the config changes, then create an instance of the ChangeRonexConfigurationExample class. The path to the RoNeX module of which we want to configure is then defined, using the “test_ronex” alias, which has been defined using the method described in this tutorial. Alternatively you can just use the serial number of your RoNeX module here instead.

We then call the configureRonex function from the instance of the ChangeRonexConfigurationExample class.

void configureRonex(std::string path)
  dynamic_reconfigure::ReconfigureRequest srv_req;
  dynamic_reconfigure::ReconfigureResponse srv_resp;
  dynamic_reconfigure::BoolParameter bool_param;
  dynamic_reconfigure::IntParameter int_param;
  dynamic_reconfigure::Config conf;

At the start of the configureRonex function we define the variables that we will be using to construct the service call message. The request will contain the config which in turn will contain the bool and int parameters. The response will contain the data returned by the service. = "input_mode_1";
bool_param.value = false;
conf.bools.push_back(bool_param); = "pwm_period_0";
int_param.value = 200;

Next we populate the config message with the various parameters. The section of code above shows how we set the name and value for bool and int parameters and push them into the config variable. Here we set configure digital I/O channel 1 as an output, and the period for PWM module 0 to 200.

srv_req.config = conf;
ros::service::call(path + "/set_parameters", srv_req, srv_resp);

Finally we populate the request variable with the config, and call the set_parameters service with the request and response variables as arguments.

Running the code

Make sure that a roscore is up and running:


Then run the driver (see Launch driver ).

Now we can execute the example script:

rosrun sr_ronex_examples change_ronex_configuration

Now if you echo the contents of the parameter_descriptions topic for this module, you should see that the configuration has been updated accordingly.