Create a package to interact with RoNeX

In this tutorial, we will create a package called my_first_package (inside workspace my_first_ws) to interact with RoNeX. Make sure that you read the following tutorials first.

  1. Creating a workspace for catkin
  2. Creating a catkin package

This tutorial assumes that you have installed catkin and sourced your environment.

source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash

Creating a catkin workspace

Let’s create a catkin workspace:

mkdir -p ~/my_first_ws/src
cd ~/my_first_ws/src
Creating symlink "~/my_first_ws/src/CMakeLists.txt" pointing to "/opt/ros/hydro/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake"

Even though the workspace is empty (there are no packages in the src folder, just a single CMakeLists.txt link) you can still “build” the workspace:

cd ~/my_first_ws/

Before continuing source your new setup.*sh file:

source devel/setup.bash

Creating a catkin Package

Change directories to the src folder (i.e., THE SOURCE SPACE) in your workspace:

cd ~/my_first_ws/src

Now use the catkin_create_pkg script to create a new package called my_first_package which depends on std_msgs, sr_ronex_msgs, sr_ronex_utilities, dynamic_reconfigure, roscpp, and rospy.

catkin_create_pkg my_first_package std_msgs sr_ronex_msgs sr_ronex_utilities dynamic_reconfigure roscpp rospy

This will create a my_first_package folder which contains a package.xml and a CMakeLists.txt, which have been partially filled out with the information you gave catkin_create_pkg.

Writing the Source Code

For this tutorial, we simply copy sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM.cpp from the sr_ronex_examples package to the src folder, and rename it to sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.cpp. You can find the source code in the PWM tutorial.

ls ~/my_first_ws/src/my_first_package/src

Edit the file (i.e., sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.cpp) and change the node name we give to ros::init.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Initialize ROS with a unique node name.
  ros::init(argc, argv, "sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2");

  // Create a handle to this process' node.
  ros::NodeHandle n;

In sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.cpp, we use the advertise() function to tell ROS that we want to publish on a given topic name. Note that this version of advertise is a templated convenience function.

void flash_LED( ros::NodeHandle& n, const std::string& topic )
  ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<sr_ronex_msgs::PWM>( topic, 1000 );

  // .........

Of course, we have to tell the compiler where it can find the definition of sr_ronex_msgs::PWM.

#include "sr_ronex_msgs/PWM.h"

If you want to know more about sr_ronex_msgs::PWM, you can use rosmsg show.

rosmsg show sr_ronex_msgs/PWM
uint16 pwm_period
uint16 pwm_on_time_0
uint16 pwm_on_time_1

Customizing Your Package

ls ~/my_first_ws/src/my_first_package
CMakeLists.txt  include  package.xml  src

Customizing the package.xml

Follow these instructions to customize the package.xml.

Customizing the CMakeLists.txt

Declare things to be passed to dependent projects. You must invoke catkin_package() before adding any targets (libraries and executables). The reason is because catkin_package() will change the location where the targets are built.

  CATKIN_DEPENDS dynamic_reconfigure roscpp rospy sr_ronex_msgs sr_ronex_utilities std_msgs

Add the following lines to the end of CMakeLists.txt.

add_executable(sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2 ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.cpp)
add_dependencies(sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2 sr_ronex_msgs_gencpp ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencfg)
target_link_libraries(sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2 ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Running the code

Change directories to your RoNeX workspace, and compile the code.

cd ~/my_first_ws

Now use rosrun to run the code (after starting roscore in another terminal).

source ~/my_first_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun my_first_package sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2

Check the PWM tutorial for more information about how to set up the experiment etc.

If you want to use roslaunch instead of rosrun, create a launch file.

mkdir ~/my_first_ws/src/my_first_package/launch/

Create launch file sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.launch, and place it inside the launch folder.

  <node name="sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2" pkg="my_first_package" type="sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2" output="screen"/>

Now you can use roslaunch to run the code.

roslaunch my_first_package sr_ronex_flash_LED_with_PWM_2.launch