Accessing Module parameters [Command Line]ΒΆ

The ROS parameter server stores details of each RoNeX module such as serial number, module type, module alias etc. These can be read using the rosparam commands as follows.

To list all of the entries currently in the parameter server:

rosparam list

You should see a number of entries under /ronex/devices for each module you have connected. You can view all of the details for one module (the first on the bus in this case) like so:

rosparam get /ronex/devices/0

Which will return something along the lines of:

{path: /ronex/general_io/12, product_id: '33554433', product_name: general_io, ronex_id: '12',
  serial: '12'}

You can also read the input mode for each of the channels along with some other info for each module, but beware that as these are dynamic parameters, changing them with the rosparam set command will not work. You should instead use the dynparam interfaces as explained in the Changing GIO Configuration tutorials.